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Process to Bill
Home Broadband Internet
We are one of the most reliable broadband internet and network for both gamers and regular users.
Corporate Broadband Internet
Corporate and SME customers dedicated internet connections to ensure network stability.
Complete Network Solutions
Our network engineers work with our clients to provide the most efficient network solutions possible.
About Us
Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) has started its operation in the year 2014 with the commitment of quality internet service at an affordable price. At the time of commencement Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) started with broadband service with the state of art technology. In the course of time its R & D team has developed and introduced many new technologies to meet the requirement of new millennium. In the last 10 years Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) has introduced many new ideas and technologies to the internet industry.

- Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) is a home and corporate broadband internet service provider that has been operating for over 10 years.
- We have gained excellent reputation in these years among clients by providing uncompromising quality and committed service.
- Over time, our R & D team has developed and introduced many new technologies to meet the requirement of the new millennium. In the last 10 years, AFTAB NAGAR ONLINE SERVICE (ANOS has introduced many new ideas and technologies to the internet industry.We are one of the top growing Internet Service Providers in Dhaka. Hoping to do much better in the broadband internet industry with great service at affordable prices.
Mission: Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) works to make Quality Internet and Solutions affordable for all user ranges
Vision: Be the Top Internet and solutions provider of Bangladesh with QOS.Our Clients
Check out our clients valuable opinions and experiences. Our client satisfaction is our pride.
Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) Provide the best technology available! If its current, we already have it but if its new, well be one of the first to get it for all of our clients. We Make it affordable! Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) programs are almost always one third to one half the cost of comparable service.
Home Broadband Internet
Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi
Corporate Broadband Internet
Corporate and SME customers dedicated internet connections to ensure network stability.
Complete Network Solutions
Our network engineers work with our clients to provide the most efficient network solutions possible.
CCTV System Solutions
Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS offers cutting-edge CCTV and IP surveillance solutions for business and company.
Network Security
We provide VPN, Antivirus, and CCTV IP surveillance solutions to ensure top-tier security on your end.
IP Telephony Service
Telephony services allow to generate profitable and recurring monthly revenue for businesses.
Call To Action
Need Help? Lets talk with us If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We are always active 24/7. Our team will cooperate as soon as possible.
Bill Pay
Bkash Payment Nagad Payment Rocket Payment/Bangla QR
Now User can pay your any kinds of bills related to Aftab Nagar Online Service (ANOS) from here with much less of time and with 100% secure. The payment is secured by ssl e-commerz ltd.

Meet Our Team.

Md. Mamun Sikdar Masud
Chief Executive Officer
Md. Milon Hawladar
Visite our office by below address
Head Office:
1st Floor, House-21, Block-A, Main Road, Aftabnagar, Badda, Dhaka-1212
Branch Office:
Ground Floor, House-51, Road-11, DIT, Baridhara Residential Area, Dhaka-1212
55046873, 096391 32424, +880 1917732400